Monday, April 26, 2010

Walking with MeeMaw.

I love these pictures of Hunter with my mom. I remember taking a picture of Hunter walking with his Daddy at the park a couple years ago just like these pictures. My mom fell in love with those pictures and even framed one. So, when I saw the opportunity to get one of her with Hunter that was just like her favorite one of Hunter and Christian I snapped it! I cannot wait to show it to her.

True Boy!

Hunter is 100% all boy!!! He was outside helping me in the gardens the other day and he came across some worms. He was thrilled!!! He was picking them all up and lining them up on our outside table. It was a sight to see. He had so much fun! He was looking everywhere for more worms. He wanted to have a whole bunch to show Christian once he got home from work. Must admit, the poor worms did not make it long on the table in the sun.


These two pictures say it all! The boys LOVE pancakes!!! This was Evan's first time trying them and he was in heaven! Hunter has recently been given the ok by his allergist to start having things with dairy in them in very small amounts again. Needless to say, he was pretty happy too!

Thursday, April 8, 2010


Hunter really enjoys being around his friend Patrick. He is constantly asking for him to come and play. He always has a lot of fun when he comes over. I am beginning to think we need to have a play date with Hunter, Patrick and Wally too. That would be lots of fun and I am sure we could get some great pics too!


I just could not resist taking this picture. Hunter slipped in behind his brother while they were watching Dora and began to rock him back and forth. It was precious! Evan loved it and Hunter was happy to be making his brother happy. I am so glad they enjoy being around one another.

Easter Pics

These are just some family pics from Easter Sunday morning. Enjoy!

Hunter's New Bike!

Hunter got a pretty cool Easter gift this year. He got his first two wheeler with a helmet!!! He loves it!! His face was priceless when he saw the bike and he instantly wanted to go outside to ride it! He grabbed his helmet and headed out the door. He still needs some help but he will catch on quick. I have a feeling we will be doing family bike rides this summer and he will be riding his own bike instead of being pulled behind the bike in the cart. Of course, he will still be using his training wheels unless he surprises us all and is a little genius when it comes to bike riding!

Sleeping In.

This past weekend Hunter and Christian both decided it was a good idea to sleep in! How cute is this pic?!?!? Of course we do not let Hunter sleep with us in our bed. I had gotten up to take care of Evan and Hunter woke up and slipped into bed with his Daddy. Evan and I let them sleep in and they sure took advantage of it! They did not get up until 9. Wow!

Cute Pic! Wrong Team!

Cute Pic! Wrong Team! That about says it all! So, yes, we are clearly U of M fans!