Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Random Jibber Jabber

Well, we have a few projects going on at our house for the moment. They are sure to improve on how the house looks both inside and out. First. Outside, I am beginning to line all my gardens with a stone border. I am really excited about how the gardens will look once this is complete! No more lawn growing into my gardens!!! That will be awesome!! Second. Christian has started to tear out our kitchen ceiling. My Dad and him will be redoing it together. We will be adding some new lights to it as well. This will really open up our kitchen and make it a lot brighter too! We are both super excited about this project. Third. I am hoping to begin repainting our bedroom and bathroom. I love to paint and this will make our bedroom much nicer. Last, but certainly not least, we are working hard at getting Hunter off the bottle. He will only drink water from a sippy cup. Strange child, I know. However, today I used an Avent trainer cup and he used it!!! This is a step in the right direction! Now, if only I could get him to use one of the other million sippy cups that we have on hand. One day. Of course, he has to give up the bottle sooner or later. He would pretty silly sitting at the lunch table drinking out of a bottle! What would his future girlfriend and friends say about that?!?!?!

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