Monday, July 21, 2008

Playing in the rain!

This past weekend we had some friends over with their kids and we all had lots of fun! The kids enjoyed playing with all of Hunter's toys and little pool. However, the rain was the best! The kids had a ball running in all the puddles and playing in the rain as it fell! Christian and I were amazed at how much Hunter opened up with his two friends! It was awesome to witness! Now I really need to find some sort of a playdate thing for Hunter. He loves other kids! We have tried Gymboree in the past and in my opinion it is just not worth the money. We spent a majority of our time waiting in a line - not fun. So, I am off to search the web to find something for my little guy.

1 comment:

KellBell said...

Have you looked for a local MOMS Club? I LOVE mine, here's the national site and you can see if there's one near you: