Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Time Flies!

I cannot believe just how fast time seems to go now that I am older. I remember when I was a young child and just how slow time would go, it would take forever! Well, not so much anymore. My little Sweet Pea Evan is already 5 months old today. How on earth did that happen? It is so hard to believe that 5 months has passed us by already! I remember bringing him home from the hospital and the look on Hunter's face as he held him for the first time - precious! Now, Evan is rolling all over the place, army crawling, laughing, smiling, giggling and is just about ready to sit all by himself. He is also going to taste his first solid food on Friday!!! He has grown so much so fast. I wish I could keep him small for just a while longer, I am not ready to have him crawl. After crawling comes walking then talking then school and then graduation and then moving out. Yikes! I just need to hold onto to these times and cherish every day. I love my boys so very much and I am so proud of how they are growing! I just wish time would slow down just a bit.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

So true!! It still seems like we just brought Evan home! Next summer will be here when both boys will run all over the place! Fun times :)