Friday, May 7, 2010

Wrestle Mania!!!

We celebrated my mom's birthday this past weekend and all five of her grandchildren were there and had so much fun! The three oldest had a blast playing together! They chilled on the back patio and enjoyed popsicles, played with the black truck and big wheel and even helped MeeMaw blow out her candles. At the end of the day they were all out front and were having a wrestling match! It was adorable to watch them tackle one another and chase each other. The giggling was precious! Hunter cannot wait to play with his cousins again!

Evan and Andrew also had fun. They were much more low key but it was perfect for them. They got to play with all the toys in MeeMaw's front room without any of the older boys bothering them. They were in heaven!

Even Christian got in on the fun outside with all five boys. Poor Evan and Andrew were not very happy about all the screaming and schreaking coming from the other boys. They were pretty scared. All in all, it was a great time at my parents house!

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