Sunday, November 16, 2008

The First Snow.

Well, it happened. It snowed and is still snowing. It is nothing major but it sure is pretty. Hunter is fascinated by the snow! This is the first year he understands what is going on outside and he is excited about going out after his nap to play. It is cute watching him standing at the doorwall asking over and over again what that white stuff is outside.

So, for all our southern friends, enjoy your warm weather while we sit up here in Michigan watching the snow fall. Honestly, I do not think I would trade it this early in the year. Ask me again in January and I am sure I will have a different answer.

1 comment:

KellBell said...

I'm ready to trade already!! It's been snowing here since Sunday! I think I'm only hating it because I know it'll warm up and we'll have a brown Christmas and I hate that!