Monday, February 2, 2009

100% Boy!!!

We had our big anatomy scan today and everything looks great with Small Fry! He is certainly a boy and very proud of it! The ultrasound tech kept saying that he is a very photogenic little one. She got lots and lots of great pictures and she did not want to stop taking them because he was being so cooperative. He has all the necessary parts and they are all functioning well. He is 13 oz and measuring right on target. He is breech right now but has lots of time and room to move. Hunter was breech up until 10 days before he was born. It is almost scary looking at these pictures of Small Fry because they look practically identical to Hunter when he was in utero. So, I think it is safe to say this little boy will look a lot like his Daddy - lucky kid! I am so happy and proud to say that come June I will be the mother of two gorgeous boys!!!

1 comment:

KellBell said...

Your baby's a show off!! Mine won't even show his face and you get so many pictures because he's posing!! Ugh!!

But in all seriousness, I'm glad everything is going well. :)