Leaps and Bounds!
Evan had his one month check up today (1 week late). He is growing like a weed! He started life at 7 pounds and 5 oz and he is already up to 10 pounds and 1 1/2 oz!!! WOW!!! He has also grown an inch since birth. He no longer fits in newborn clothes and is on to the 0-3 month sizes. My little baby is getting big! He checked out fine with everything and got round 2 of his Hep B vaccine. He is dealing with a fever and is pretty fussy from the vaccine. Poor kiddo. Other than that, all is well with our second little man! Oh, we have also switched him to Soy formula since he was having some issues with the regular formula and so far so good. Evan goes back to see the pedi on August 17th. Grow Evan Grow!!!
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