Thursday, July 30, 2009

Still Alive!

Yup, we are all still alive - just really busy!!! Both boys pack my days more than I ever expected them to. Wow, talk about busy!!! Hunter is still being a great big brother and Evan, well, let's just say that Evan is a 7 week old baby boy. That is all I have to say about that for now. He is well and makes me smile each and every day. But, boy oh boy, he gives me a run for my money!!! So much for a calm and quiet baby. He totally threw that out the window! If we go for a third that baby HAS to be the CALM AND QUIET one, right?!?!?! Wait, did I just mention going for a third? That has to be the sleep deprivation talking! Speaking of sleep deprivation, take a look at Christian in the above picture. Does that scream "I need sleep" or what?!?!?!

1 comment:

burger-burger said...

sleep is for the weak! he is adorable! and hunter is such an adorable older brother.