Thursday, September 24, 2009

Vacuum Loving Tot!

I have no idea why but Hunter LOVES to vacuum! I cannot throw out my old vacuum because it is one of his favorite toys! Strange, I know. However, I think I have helped to make his future wife very happy. She will not need to vacuum ever! Hunter will always have that under control!

On a different note, I have discovered why Evan sleeps through the night each and every night and has since he came home from the hospital - Hunter. Yup, that is right, Hunter keeps him up practically all day. Evan does not seem to mind. He is always smiling! Like right now, Evan was napping in his swing until Hunter got out his vacuum. Now Evan is happily swinging away and watching his big brother vacuum my carpet. Ahhhhh, at least I taught this child how to keep a clean house!

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