Thursday, December 24, 2009

Christmas Eve

This year was the first year ever that I missed a Christmas Eve celebration at my Zumma's house. Christian was able to take Hunter and they had fun but Evan and I had to hang out at home. Unfortunately, Evan has Strep Throat and he just started antibiotics yesterday. Bummer. However, Evan and I had a great time together today, just the two of us! We were talking up a storm with each other, laughing and giggling too! We also practiced sitting on our own and got a little bit closer to crawling too. So, the day was not a wash, it was just different from every other year. Next year we hope to be able to go to Zumma's - pending any illness. This evening has been fun too! Christian and I are getting presents ready to go and waiting for Santa to drop off more. I cannot wait to see Hunter's face in the morning. He is beyond excited and is so eager to get new matchbox cars tomorrow. If he only knew what else was waiting for him under that tree and in his stocking. I think it would blow his little mind! Come on Christmas morning, hurry up and get here!!!

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