Thursday, January 22, 2009


Hunter and I went down into the basement to finish the last load of laundry for the week. We were greeted by a wild squirrel - NOT COOL! This animal decided to run all over my basement with Kuchka on its tail hissing away. Next, I grabbed a broom and went after it. I then decided to call Christian, who was on his way home, to announce what was in the house. He got home and took over with the broom and hopefully chased it out of the house. Now, I am left with SEVEN more loads of laundry since the little flea infested (I'm sure) animal was all over my clean laundry. Uggggg....and I was supposed to go out to dinner with the girls tonight for a much needed night of relaxation. Well, now I am going to be doing laundry instead. I can only hope to get most of it done so that I can still go out. I HATE SQUIRRELS AND I VOW NEVER TO FEED ONE EVER AGAIN!!! The Schoeneman Diner is CLOSED!

1 comment:

KellBell said...

OMG!! You better have gone out, I don't care if a single load didn't get done, you deserve to get out every once in awhile!!