Thursday, April 9, 2009

Let the 2 wk appts begin!

Today was my last 4 week OB appt and I now start to see my doctor every 2 weeks. Scary that we are so close already. Where on earth did the time go? I feel like I just got a positive pregnancy test a week ago and here I am 30 weeks pregnant this Sunday! WOW!!! So, at today's appt not much went on. I had another ultrasound and Small Fry is head down but not engaged at all. This is better than where we were at with Hunter. Hunter was breech at this point. The baby is doing great and his heart rate is in the upper 140s. My OB seems to think he will be a little bigger than Hunter was but not by much at all. That was music to my ears - I do not want a HUGE baby! I also got the results of my bloodwork and I passed my GTT without any problems and the rest of my bloodwork looks great. The only issue is I am close to being anemic again but not nearly as bad as I was with Hunter. I do not need to take any supplements yet. We will see how I feel in a few weeks though. So, overall, I checked out great and so did the baby. Woo Hoo for another great appt!!! I go back for my next visit on April 24th and I will update more then unless something exciting happens with the baby first. Until then Small Fry will continue to bake!

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