Friday, March 13, 2009

Doctor Appts All Around!!!

I went in for another routine OB appt today and checked out great!!! I am still behind in weight gain compared to Hunter's pregnancy and my OB is not concerned at all. In fact she commented on how I am all baby and still not wearing maternity pants. Our little boy has moved again from head down to transverse. He still has a healthy heartbeat and is growing well. He is very active! This makes all of us very happy! I go at the beginning of April for my next Rhogam injection and my gestational diabetes test. Then it is back to the OB on April 9th. After that appt we move to our every 2 week appts! Wow, this pregnancy is flying by!!! I just love my OB and think she is the best!!!

Hunter had his 2 year appt today too. He checked out great!!! He is just over 32 pounds (90%) and is practically 38 inches tall (off the charts)! He is taking after his daddy in the height department! He is ahead in the speech department and doing well every where else! The doctor was surprised to hear that he knows his colors. Most 2 year olds do not. He has all of his teeth except for one molar which is breaking through right now. He got his Hep A vaccine and was not happy about that at all. He quickly got over that as soon as his doctor gave him a sucker. So, overall he had a great appt! He does not go back until he is 3 years old!

We all got a clean bill of health today! We have two very healthy and happy boys! Yay! What a great Friday the 13th so far!!!

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