Thursday, March 19, 2009

"That" Child.

Wow, I have that child. I am sure all you parents out there know exactly what I mean by saying "I have that child". Hunter has decided how to use his vomit as a weapon. Today at lunch we were having white cheddar mac-n-cheese and he did not want to even try it. So, I asked him to try one bite and if he didn't like it we could have something else. Well, he opened his mouth and took an ever so small bite and looked right at me and purposely started to gag. He did this over and over until he made himself vomit all over his lunch and himself. He then proceeded to look at me and say "uh oh mommy". I was furious! This is not the first time he has successfully gotten out of eating something by making himself vomit. Next, after he ate a very large lunch of pizza and bananas (his choice), he took his rocking chair over to the fish tank and pushed it over on its side and stood on it and opened the fish tank and proceeded to play with the fish and the water. He knows this is not allowed but does it anyway. I caught him in the act and he looked at me once again and said "uh oh mommy". Then he went to play in his room. I went in to check on him since it was pretty quiet and we all know that is not a good sign. Well, he had climbed up onto the top of his desk in order to reach his piggy bank to put some money into it. Again, I have caught him doing this before and he knows it is not allowed. But, he decides to do it anyway. I swear, I have "that" child. Just to think, Hunter will soon have a little brother that he can teach all his tricks to - won't that be fun!!! I do love my little man but sometimes I have no idea what gets into his little head. The terrible twos are so much fun!!!


Unknown said...

Sadly, I think he inhereted the "that child" behavior from his dad - I remember boosting my 2000 in 1 kit from Radio Shack from two AA batteries to 110V from the wall. The scorch mark on the wall got me in trouble :(

KellBell said...

Oh I wish I could say it'll get better....but it won't. At least not for a very long time. :( Good luck to both of us!!