Sunday, May 31, 2009

Taken by surprise!

Yesterday started off as an ordinary day. We took a trip out to Whole Foods in Ann Arbor to get some items for Hunter. All was well on the way out there but the ride back was a nightmare. Hunter was so unhappy and wanted out of the truck. Once we got home he inhaled lunch with his daddy and then took a very much needed 2 1/2 hour nap. 2 1/2 HOURS!!! He has not napped that well in months. Perhaps we are getting a grasp on what is going on and hopefully we find out more this Friday. So, after his nap we were supposed to go to our friend Tracy's house for the boys to play. Well, as we were driving Christian completely missed Tracy's street and I was really uncomfortable in the car. So, he had me open the center console up and in there was Reese Peanut Butter Cups - my favorite snack this pregnancy! Then we headed towards West Rd which made no sense to me at all. He then had me open the glove box and in it was a card from him which brought tears to my eyes. It explained that what was going on would all make sense in just a minute. We pulled into the Cultural Center and much to my surprise there was a baby shower all planned out! It was wonderful!!! I was completely taken by surprise! Our good friend Tracy planned out the entire thing along with a little help from my husband. I cannot believe he was able to keep it hidden from me. It was perfect! The center was decorated in blue streamers, balloons, flowers and candy. There was lots of yummy food and a beautiful cake that was welcoming our new little boy. There were also lots of cards for everyone to sign to put in Small Fry's baby book. It really was a great time and a total surprise! I am very blessed to have so many people in my life that care so much for me and my family. Then to top of an incredible day we had an awesome night too! Hunter actually slept through the night - 9pm until 8am!!! He has not done that in so long! Woo Hoo!!!

1 comment:

KellBell said...

That's awesome!!!