Thursday, May 14, 2009

Wish us luck.

We are heading out shortly to get our little man allergy tested. He is showing some signs of a dairy allergy - not cool. We always new this was a possibility but we thought we had it under control with Lactaid milk. Obviously not. So, Hunter will be getting his blood drawn and sent out for testing. Of course, he will get some sort of a special treat after visiting the lab. Poor kid. This is going to break my heart. Please keep your fingers crossed that we are not dealing with an allergy or anything serious. I will post information as we get the lab results. Until then, no dairy and such for Hunter. In case we are dealing with an allergy we already have a great Pediatric Allergist lined up that comes highly recommended from a friend who has a son who is literally allergic to just about everything. At least we have her and her family to help us through this as well as the Allergist. I just hope we do not end up going that route. Fingers crossed!

1 comment:

burger-burger said...

i hope it's nothing too serious! good luck today!